With Friends Like ERMA – Who Needs Enemies? Check Your Paystubs!

Photo Pixabay

Today is payday, the perfect time to check your paystubs! With a pay increase this month and step increases for many, there is no better time to make sure you are getting paid what the City promised you – the money YOU earned.

In the past month we have heard from many of you about problems with your paychecks and benefits accruals. Some co-workers have missed their step increases for weeks, months or even years. Others have noticed underpaid health insurance contributions valued at several thousands of dollars. You’ve spoken up about missing differential pay, incorrect leave accruals and more.

When your co-workers asked HR or payroll about these problems, they have been told that ERMA is complicated, that many of these calculations have to be done manually and through multiple steps and levels of approval. They’ve been chastised that “finance is doing the best they can” and to please be patient. Some are even being warned about or prohibited from asking questions and told not to contact finance about missing pay or benefits.

This is your money! We all want to believe we are getting paid correctly, but the City has said very clearly: it is up to you to catch their mistakes.

When you have joined together to file grievances and demand answers, the City has admitted that they did not pay you right but would not commit to a timeline for giving workers their money. They say it is too hard to know when mistakes will be corrected, are reluctant to do a review or audit to ensure that all workers affected get compensated, and refuse to pay interest on the money you are owed.

Trust But Verify!

Your coworkers are putting together educational materials on how to read, understand, and verify the accuracy of your paychecks. If you are interested in joining the work as a learner or teacher, please get in touch! Please email info@berkeleyseiu1021.org.

Your coworkers are putting together educational materials on how to read, understand, and verify the accuracy of your paychecks. If you are interested in joining the work as a learner or teacher, please get in toIn the meantime, please check your contract starting on page 140 to verify whether you are receiving your step increases!

Make sure your union backs candidates you support

Your union, SEIU, makes endorsements and contributions to candidates for everything from Rent Board to President. As the 2024 election season heats up, all members are welcome to participate in the endorsement decisions that affect their work and their lives.

The next opportunity to engage is Tuesday, August 1. Starting at 6:30 there will be a member engagement on zoom for candidates running for State Senate in this area. All are invited to hear from candidates Jesse Arreguin, Jovanka Beckles, Katherine Lybarger and Sandre Swanson (Dan Kalb declined to participate). If you would like to participate, Register Here.

Your contract will expire in one year

Winning a fair contract will require you and your co-workers to stand up for what you deserve. The City has shown that it will not give you what you deserve simply because it is the right thing to do. Your labor siblings around the country know this and are leading by example, winning the things that matter to them. Learn from and get inspired by these UPS drivers who have been organizing, rallying, signing petitions and practice picketing for months. And now they will be voting on a deal that lifts pay, ends tiers, protects part-time workers, stops surveillance of workers and more.

Photo: Joe Piette, CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0

If UPS drivers can end tiers and lift part-time pay through collective action, so can we! Come to the next general membership meeting to learn how you can join your co-workers and make a plan to win what matters to you!