Meet Your New Union Officers; How to Get Involved Through Upcoming Events

Now that our union election is complete, we want to introduce you to the new Berkeley SEIU 1021 Community Services Unit and Part Time Recreation Leaders Association (CSU/PTRLA) officer team and share with you how to get involved in your union!

What are union officers?

Officers in many traditional union chapters are elected “leaders” who attempt to run their Chapter in a hierarchical and non-transparent manner.

What’s different about our Chapter?

You are the union. There is no such thing as a traditional hierarchical leader.

Our Chapter prioritizes its workers, democracy, transparency and organizing above all else. Workers are the leaders of our union, not officers. Officers will organize at least monthly general membership meetings open to all workers in our Chapter to discuss issues and make decisions collectively.

Officers in our chapter exist to empower workers with timely information and opportunities to foster and organize relationships between workers and worksites. Officers are also a bulwark against the undemocratic and non-transparent tendencies of the larger union bureaucracy. As in 2021, bargaining will remain open to all workers, and backroom deals will be banned. Officers need your help to accomplish this, and also plan to develop new bylaws that memorialize this vision for ratification by workers.

The assault on workers from the boss and broader society is daunting: e.g., rampant inflation, spiraling vacancies, safety in the workplace etc. Fortunately, there’s a proven way to overcome them: workers banding together through solidarity.

Officers seek to help workers organize themselves. The purpose of organizing is to build collective power. With power, we can win life changing improvements to our wages, working conditions, society, and community.  

Why would I contact an officer?

You are:

  • new to the union and want to learn how to get involved;
  • facing a problem in your workplace and need assistance;
  • not sure about your benefits;
  • looking to build power in your workplace and among your co-workers, and aren’t sure where to start; 
  • simply looking to speak with a coworker.

Who are the officers and how do I contact them?

We are including contact information below for our new officer team. Do not hesitate to reach out to them anytime! We are also including this information on our new Chapter website.

James Chang


Sara Cerami

Vice President

Chris Naso


Ammon Reagan


Andrea Mullarkey

Committee on Political Education Coordinator

Tom Sephton

Chief Steward

Much appreciation to everyone who ran for office and voted, and to former officers Khin Chin and Michael Marchant for their tireless work in bringing us to where we are today and charting a path forward to a more connected and powerful union.

Emerging Priorities

According to initial conversations with workers:

  • workplace safety;
  • cost of living and wage equity;
  • holding HR and City Management accountable;
  • holding SEIU accountable.

How to get involved

All workers are invited to attend:

  • General membership meetings
  • Chapter Board Meetings
  • Organizing Committee
  • Bargaining Sessions
  • We are also planning exciting and fun outdoor in person events with catered food to help us meet one another and build community.

Upcoming Events:

All upcoming events will be listed on our website:

  • Weekly Organizing Committee – Strike Ready Berkeley Zoom | April 19 at 5:30 pm (every Wednesday)
  • Biweekly Chapter Board (Officer) Meeting Zoom | April 21 @10:30 am (every other Friday)
  • May Day Lunch (Catered – Details TBD) – Civic Center Park | May 1, @ 12 pm
  • General Membership Meeting – Zoom | May 10 @ 12 pm (second Wednesday of the month)

If you are looking to learn more and to get involved, please join an upcoming meeting!

” [workers] participate to the degree they understand—but they also understand to the degree they participate” – Jane F. McAlevey, No Shortcuts.